About Us
Dog lover and company owner, Zoe Jones, runs the family business from home, a 15th century cottage in a village nestling in the South Downs. Zoe has a passion for all country pursuits, owning 2 horses and enjoys picking up on local shoots with her labradors. From her workshop at home she prepares the handmade wood beds, and sews all the covers herself.
Zoe took over The Dog Bed Company in 2015 from the business founder Louie Robertson. Here are her words about why she had the idea for the first raised dog bed in the UK.

“ Sharing my home with all number of dogs from Danes to Dachshunds over four decades I had tried and tested a whole range of dog beds from the simple to the luxurious from near disposable to the most durable but always felt they were missing something fundamental.
Why do most of us insist on a frame for our own beds I asked myself, but our dogs are not afforded such comfort? We often invest huge amounts in our mattresses, arguing that we spend 30% of our lives in bed. We may choose the simplest of wooden frames to support these but we wouldn’t dream of laying the mattress on the floor.
A relaxed, regularly exercised dog spends as much as 80% of his life chilling out on his bed so why make him lie on the floor?
Mattresses on a cold floor will build up condensation leaving the poor dog lying on a damp bed all night. With or without a damp coat moisture is easily absorbed into a floor cushion and will remain there until it is eventually aired. Likewise hair and dust particles build up very quickly and even without a little moisture can form an unpleasant crust under the bed. Can you imagine what our mattresses would be like if we left them permanently on the floor?
The ultimate dog bed had to be a raised one and one that looked elegant to us and inviting to our dogs in any room in the house; one that we would like to sleep on as well as our dogs. There was no such dog bed on the market when we created the first raised wooden dog bed in the UK and registered the design in 2005 and that original design came from my father's childhood bed.
When I first left home as a student amongst the bundle of worldly goods my parents sent me off with was my father’s childhood wooden-framed bed. It was 2ft 6in wide, 6ft long and had pretty turned legs. It has moved house with me a dozen times over the years and eventually became relegated to the shed. In a spring cleaning moment of creativity the bed came out into the light again, had a 3ft 6” section cut from its middle and was reborn as dog bed, still with its lovely Queen Anne Legs. The dog bed took pride of place in the kitchen and my dogs just loved it. Whilst it was very amusing to watch four labs and two spaniels vying for a space on it (and they did all succeed on numerous side-splitting occasions!) it was clearly time to make another one, from scratch…
Most dogs, given the choice, would really rather like to lie on the sofa or even on our beds! Other than obvious comfort, could that choice also be because the elevation affords him a feeling of security?
Just like our own beds, the Dog Bed Company bed offers complete support for your dog promoting proper relaxation whilst allowing air to circulate freely keeping him warm, dry, dust and draught free; his own place of comfort and security.”
— Quote Source